Friday, July 29, 2011

happy thoughts.

So, I must apologize for being rather negative lately. It's a bad habit I've often struggled with...and let's be real, times are tough for this newlywed nowadays. BUT, things are looking up. It was suggested that for a day I post ten happy thoughts. And I did. (last Wednesday)

10.     My Husband is making me breakfast.
09.     There are unconquered levels of Angry Birds Rio. (seriously, this might be sad it makes me happy)
08.     Bacon. 
07.     Bob Ross. "It's important to me that this works for you and you know what you doing."
06.     Fudgsicles. 
05.     Hoarders. At least I'm not that bad.
04.     Husband has dinner in the oven.
03.     Owl always love you.
02.     Big Brother
01.     Remember  L  O  S  T   ?

on the bathroom cabinet...creepy.


Monday, July 25, 2011

just another miscellany monday.

5. I worry about money too much. 
It's just so hard not to. 
God tells us 
but it is so hard not to sometimes. 

4. Life's been pretty mundane. I have three more days of work at the Lodge that I know of...where will money come from? I wish Craigslist was better in this town. All that's for free is yard dirt and animals. 

3. I wish I could commit to crocheting or knitting. I also wish it came more naturally. Basically, I wish someone would make this for me: 

2. I am o b s e s s e d  with this photo. How can you not be? I can't stop looking at at.

1. I must keep my eyes on the prize.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I have a new grab button and a fancy signature! I feel so blog savvy. Although, it did take a while...

So....add it! If you add mine and you have one I'll add yours : )


 Sr. Teen Retreat. circa 2005.

"The term nostalgia describes a yearning for the past...."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

that's kitschy.

So on Design Star this season there's a guy who claims to be "kitschy chic". The Mister seemed rather adamant about finding out exactly what "kitsch" means, so after some Google definitions and various photo examples, I think we got an I thought I would share.

First, let's define Kitsch.

"As an art movement, lifestyle, or literature and film genre, kitsch is pleasingly distasteful. It's melodramatic, overdone, gaudy and tacky or sentimental and folksy. It's so bad that it's cool. Your cat might attack it, but it's hot" (source.)

And some pictorial examples:

First, the mother-load of Kitsch. The Madonna Inn. I briefly visited it once while in San Luis Obisbo. It's like visual crack. I love it. Read more about it here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

pow wow.

Well, on fourth of July weekend, the husby and I helped with his Cacu's (grandma) Indian Lodge's annual Pow Wow. Don't worry, it was 100+ the whole dang time. Gah. Central California. Bleh. Anyway, between helping with food, sweating gallons of water out and running around like a crazy person there was good time to be had. Husby's dad and uncle Gourd danced (a dance for veterans...I think). That was cool. Cacu's "aunt" and "cousin" (somehow they are related...) were in town and that was fun to meet them.

Man it was hot.

I'm having trouble posting photos, so go HERE to see them.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


It is almost back to school time which means penny school supplies, fall weather, boots & scarves...but most importantly, return of good television. Now, my schedule used to be maintainable but, thanks to Netflix, I have become addicted to a few more shows...what to do, what to money for Hulu + that's what to do.

Here's the line-up!

Monday, September 19
Season 7 (still waiting for 6 to come on Netflix!) (CBS)

Tuesday, September 20
Season 3 (Fox) (I need to watch S2 still!)

Wednesday, September 21
Season 3 (abc)

Season 3 (abc)     

Thursday, September 22
Season 5 (CBS)

Season 8 (NBC)

Friday, September 23
Season 5 (FOX)

Sunday, October 2
Season 6 (Showtime)

 Friday, October 21
Season 5- last one! :(  (still have to watch S4...)

. . .
And then you have the shows that compete with others at the same time... this is why I need Hulu+

Thursday, November 3
Season 6 (Fox)

And there's the new shows that look interesting...

Sunday, September 25:    Pan Am
Tuesday, September 20:    New Girl

Whew! I think that's all. For now at least. I may or may not be addicted to prime time.

Friday, July 8, 2011

mason jars: a love story.

Have I told you how much I love mason jars?

Google image

They are the quintessential household life item.

Here is a previous post about some of the bazillion ways they can be used.

And here we shall add even more!


Well, I knew the time would come.

Photo Copyright © Limonada
Time to dust off the magazines and give them a new purpose!

Also, I've been spending all my time on Follow Me on Pinterest. I am obsessed. It is a virtual inspiration board! What more could one ask for!?

Also, I spent all weekend at my first real Pow Wow. You know, Indians and stuff? Well, it was fun and all but MAN it is DANG HOT in central California. I do not like it one bit. More about my Pow Wow hangover in a later post.

Until then,
Follow Me on Pinterest