Sunday, January 30, 2011

wolf pack.

One of the things I love most is a good wedding toast. Okay, I just now made that something I love but still...

This speech/toast was given by our friend Sean, you may recognize it. Half the audience was laughing because they knew the reference, some where laughing because its delivery was quite comical, and then there were those poor souls who had no idea what was going on. It was awesome.

"Hello… how bout that ride in? I guess that's why they call it the City of Roses, hahaha. You guys might not know this but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack. But when I met Spencer, I knew he... was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So there… there was two of us in the wolf pack. I was alone first in the pack and Spencer joined in later. And when Spencer introduced me to you guys I thought "wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added 3 more guys to my wolf pack. Five of us wolves, running around the forest together in Portland, looking for the Avalon and Voodoo. But my wolf pack is not a wolf pack of 5 now anymore. Now Spencer has left my wolf pack, of 5, and started his own wolf pack, of 2… with Heather. And now my wolf pack is missing a wolf. But I'm happy for my wolf pack brother and his wolf pack wife. Here's to Spencer and his new wolf pack of 2."

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