Tuesday, January 25, 2011

two thousand and eleven.

Well, somehow it is a new year and therefore I've revamped the blog. Hope you likes ;)

First thing's first.


as of 1.1.11.

I married my best friend on the horribly cold day in little(ish) Gresham, OR. Still waiting for the legit photos, but for now I'll give you some teasers. (Yeah right, I'll just post some in another post.) That's a lot of post-ing...

Thumbprint guest book, origami peacocks, photo+mustache-on-a-stick= centerpieces!

Ceremony led by the ever-so-lovely Kevin Reed. Apparently we're 'quirky'. Is this a good thing?

Our lovely wedding party.

Best. Toast. Ever. Have you seen The Hangover? Well, it's that plus some personal additions. Purely awesome.

Despite getting a cold sore the week before, starting my period the DAY before, it was a pretty fantastic day. We had planned for 200 and had standing room only. It was crazy. We are so blessed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVED your thumbprint guest book! It was so creative. And I know...we got there early and had to pull extra chairs out of the closet so we could sit down! It was crazy! It's nice to have a bigger space where everyone plus more can fit, huh? :)
